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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Waste not, want not

Keep your dollars out of the drain!
How to conserve water in the home.


  1. I didn't have the patience to watch the whole video since I'm getting up and down between projects, but what I watched I thought was very valuable information. We don't run the water while brushing teeth and don't even water our grass but one thing I do that wastes is that when I wash my face, I leave the water running while I am washing even though I'm only using the water at the beginning to get it wet and at the end to rinse it. I just never wanted to use my soapy hands to turn the water back on but I will start doing that b/c I didn't realize how many gallons I was wasting! This also makes me glad we didn't wait more than a day to fix the leak in our toilet. That thing was refilling like every 15 minutes! Lots of wasted water.

  2. Sorry it took me so long to see your comment! Thanks for trying to get through it, I didn't realize how long it was gonna be until I really got into it and it was too late to break it in two. You should notice the rest aren't as long. It is great to hear you are changing your habits!

  3. Yup--I really did start turning off the water to wash my face. I know it's stupid, but I'm proud of myself for taking that little step in the right direction. I'm Mrs. Anti-Green so you're helping me a lot.


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