We have a Podcast of the show!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bottled Water

How much better then tap water Is bottled water? We discuss that and more.

Here is the link to the FDA website discussing bottled water.


  1. I didn't know you had a website but I noticed the link on the comment you left me so I had to check it out! Great video--well presented and very informative. We have a water cooler which we purchased two big water jugs for several years ago that we just clean and refill & reuse. We will never replace them unless they crack, so I feel that's better than constantly buying bottled water, even though we are kind of supporting using plastic jugs. I'm not very environmentally conscious but I'm starting b/c I use cloth bags when I grocery shop now too. PS Loved watching you and love how you say "water!" So cute. And I didn't know you have a dog, either. ~Veronica

  2. Thanks V! Yeah, my sister got a dog about a minth ago. He is sweet most of the time, but gets rowdy a lot too. Our next episode will be about BPA...which is probably in those bottles you use


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