We have a Podcast of the show!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Taking a trip to the Farmer's Market

Don't forget your cash and cloth bags!


  1. I was so happy I happened to be on my hubby's PC when I got your newsletter, which meant I could watch your new vid. (My sound card has been broken for like a month so I haven't been able to watch your videos with sound so it's kinda pointless.) Love it! How professional! Girl, I could never do this--how amazing. Please tell me that you were at least a little nervous when you started out. Your farmers market is killer--definitely better than ours but we do have lots of great stuff and definitely plenty of produce and local meat from happy animals. Too bad we're nowhere near the coast! I love seafood and would LOVE some fresh. Never had fresh seafood-waaaa!

  2. omg, V, you have NO idea! I look all chill but I was terrified and shaking a little. The worst was we didn't get the best people since they didn't want to be filmed. The fresh pasa guys have some amazing stuff and of course my fav, the pickle guys! There was also a booth from a bakery I used to stop at every time I went upstate to my grandpa's house in the woods but they were packing up as we got to them.

    Fresh fish isn't all it's cracked up to be. I am sure a lot of that stuff was flash frozen on the boat to preserve it. There is no way he goes out every day before he goes to the market! Almost all the fish at our stores, though sold in a non-frozen state, was frozen when it was caught.

  3. I'm super happy that you liked this video in particular, because I wasn't sure if I got enough footage.


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