We have a Podcast of the show!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Take Matters into your own Hands

Make your own shampoo! ; Want to know what natural ingredents you can use to make your own environmentally friendly homemade shampoo?


  1. Well, I think I was 25 minutes in before I clicked "comments" and messed everything up. I will have to come back to play the rest b/c it's refusing to play for me now. I was just curious about your own hair care. Do you make your own shampoo? I have used henna a lot and like it soo much b/c it really is so healthy for your hair and it's so economical compared to what you spend at a salon. Just a bit messy though, but worth it. I got highlights for the summer but can't afford salon prices so I'm forced to be green by my budget--I feel another henna treatment coming on! I have dandruff and didn't think I could make my own shampoo but you mentioned there are herbs you can use for it. Do you know what those might be? I'm thinking of tea tree oil but not sure if that works. I actually have some but have never tried it for my hair.

  2. yeah, I mention it later on in the episode. Later today I can send you the transcript of that part, or just the info, on facebook. I havent made my own shampoo yet, but I did just make a beet and chamomile infusion to try on my hair next time I wash it. I was gonna finish my open shampoo first, but maybe I will take a break from it and use the other first. I also have some henna powder to play with when I get a chance

  3. Yes, that would be wonderful! Let me know how the infusion works.

  4. Thank you thank you!!! Wintertime really plays havoc on my hair, thanks for the info :)

  5. have you made your own lip balm??

  6. not yet. as the winter settles in and the garden no longer needs me, i will focus more attention on indoor activities like that

  7. My sister makes all-natural lip balm, soaps, lotions, etc and is very environment conscious like you! Maybe I should take a video of her making that stuff for you! :) This is her website (she owns a gift boutique where she sells her stuff): http://www.dani-creations.com/index.html

  8. that would be great! I would love to learn how to do it too!


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